Friday, January 12, 2007

O.K. I've been tagged by the Bare Foot Cobbler and I'll play :)

The Page 123 Meme
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, look down to the 5th sentence.
3. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Include the title and the author's name.
5. Tag 3 People.

O.k. No laughing. The first book I grabbed didn't even have 123 pages. That's what I get for grabbing Flat Stanley :)

His mouth twitch in a scowl, but he persisted. "My mother told me Anneke was quite disturbed when she learned of the engagement. And since you and Dr. Granger's sister are such intimate friends, one naturally assumes-"

From An Elm creek Quilts Album, The Runaway Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini. Won't be tagging anyone because the people I would be comfotable tagging have already done this:)

The poor sock is still in limbo. /sometimes I think I hear it crying at night - not. But do feel guilty about not working on it. If I just worked on it as much as I think about it it would be done:) Off and racing :0)


g-girl said...

i love flat stanley!!!

Carrie said...

Too funny! I laughed out loud when I read "Flat Stanley". And I'm embarrassed to say I didn't recognize those lines from the Elm Creek Quilts series. I'm gonna have to read em again.