Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's the Weekend - Yeah?????

Sat. morning, have to host the den meeting for son after dropping daughter off at friends. Then lunch quick and off for hair do (a most relaxing time). Then home to get daughter so her other friend can come over for a Heeley's sleep over. Oh yeah, somewhere in there son will have a friend over but I'll be gone and husband will be on duty. I think when we reach the point of the Heeley party I will retire to my sewing studio to machine quilt. (I'd lock myself in but one of the corners we cut for cash purposes was no door on that room) Bad idea, as after the kids had friends over I found my rotary cutter rather close to my machine and a bunch of cut up paper. They didit right on my sewing table top not on the rotary cutting board. Miraculously it is fine but the blde is much duller:( I hide that stuff now. I WANT A LOCKABLE DOOR:)
By the way I switched to the new blogger just before this post. I figured that being so new if I lost everything it would be no big deal. It was very quick, easy and painless. All my stuff followed me and my template stayed the same. So I wouldn't be so nervous it went very well.
Off and racing:)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oooo I'd definitely be upset about the rotary cutter. Not only did they dull your blade, but they miraculously avoided cutting off a finger! Hey, how's everyone feeling? I'll check on you later. *hugs*