Monday, January 19, 2009

60th Post!!!!!

Can you believe it! My 60th post! pretty good for me, huh. Well I have to tell you about my trip I took yesterday. It was to Chicago to see the musical Wicked!!!!! It was AWSOME!!!! If you haven't seen it and get a chance too, GO :) So here we go! This was a field trip with the High School Drama Club. We had twenty-five kids, eight adults,on a school bus, in white out conditions, left at 6:30 a.m. Sunday and returned Sunday night, actually 1:15a.m. Monday morning with slim to know heat on the bus!!!!!! Frozen toes, baby!!!!!! Had a blast but not to eager to go any time soon!!! :)
This is a picture of an afghan I made my mom a long time ago. It was done really simply, in strips.
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Bummer, just noticed my Hasbro kitty cats eye is swollen :( I must call the vet. Off and running :) Have a great day!

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Sounds like you had a nice time even though it was cold. I have never been to a musical.