Hello out there in blog land! I know, it's been a while :0( Again! Getting this guilty feeling reading others blogs and not participating :0) I have been doing some sewing and hope to post some pics of that next time. Anyway, I would have to say that Halloween is probably my favorite holiday. Christmas coming in second only because of the cold and snow. Tonight is my daughters Halloween dance and my hubby and I have been asked to chaperone :0) It should be fun! This is us dressed up two years ago for Halloween and we are wearing these same costumes tonight :0)

My daughter is HUGE into Transformers and loves the character Prowl. We made the mask a couple of weeks ago and I thought that was the extent of her costume. WRONG!!!!! Here it is two hours before we have to leave and she is trying to do stuff for the arms and breast plate and probably tires too!!! grrrrrrrrrr.

This is a picture of the character she is ttrying to copy. Pretty cool.

We went for a pumpkin carving Demonstration by our local celebrity, Ed Moody. This is the pumpkin I did. You should check out his web site: pumpkined.com hopefully he still has it up and running. He is the most AWESOME carver you've probably ever seen :0)

Have to go help make a costume and cook dinner and Costume up!!!! Off and running!!!!!